#1 Best Penis Extender: The SizeGenetics
Click here to visit the official SizeGenetics website.

What makes the SizeGenetics my #1 rated penis extender?
1. The most effective extender on the market
2. Includes a patented 16 way comfort system – sixteen different ways you can wear the device!
3. If you submit before & after photos, you get the device for FREE
4. Most comfortable extender on the market
The SizeGenetics is the highest quality penis extender on the market. They have an entire support team behind their product and amazing customer service. This is the device that I saw all my length gains on during my PE routine a couple years ago. It is the highest rated extender on the market and 1000’s of guys have seen amazing results.
Make sure to read my comprehensive SizeGenetics review on my website here. I go through all the details regarding this extender, my experience using the device, the pros and cons, and how you can get it for FREE. This extender consistently delivers and it is my top recommended extender device.
Pros of Using the SizeGenetics:
- Up to 2 Inch Length Gain in 6 Months
- Guaranteed Results
- If you submit before & after photos you get the device for FREE
- 100% 6 Month Money Back Guarantee – if you don’t see gains it is free
Visit the official SizeGenetics website to learn more about the SG here. It comes with a 100% 6 month money back guarantee – if you don’t see gains you get the extender for free.
#2 Best Penis Extender: X4 Labs Gold
Click here to visit the official X4 Labs website.
What makes the X4 Labs Gold the #2 Best penis extender?
1. The best built extender on the market
2. Includes a patented 52 way comfort system – FIFTY TWO different comfort options!
3. X4 Labs has a large range of extender options for every budget
4. Featured on SpikeTV in the United States & manufactured in North America
The X4 Labs Gold Edition is a luxury extender. It is made with the highest possible quality parts and you can feel the difference as soon as you hold one in your hands. This is an extremely comfortable and effective penis extender and it is a very close runner up to the SizeGenetics. They offer a TON of additional benefits, including a PenisAccess.com membership, ebooks, and instructional DVDs. (Not to mention coming pre-loaded with a ton of extra parts!)
Make sure to read my comprehensive X4 Labs Extender review on my website here. I go through all the details regarding this extender, my experience testing this device, and how it compares to others in my top 3. This is one of the best made extenders and is manufactured in North America.
Pros of Using the X4 Labs:
- Up to 2 Inch Length Gain in 6 Months
- Guaranteed Results, or your money back
- Comes with a TON of extra parts & bonus gifts (full list available here)
- 100% 6 Month Money Back Guarantee and a LIFETIME warranty – thats how well made it is
Visit the official X4 Labs website to learn more about the X4 Labs Gold Edition here. It is one of my favourite extenders out there, and it was very hard for me to put it in the number 2 spot.
#3 Rated Penis Extender: The Peyronie’s Treatment Plan
Click here to visit the official Peyronie’s Device website.

What makes the Peyronie’s Treatment Plan my #3 rated penis extender?
1. The best all-natural Peyronie’s disease treatment on the market
2. Extremely comfortable – the base model is made by the same company as SizeGenetics
3. Focuses on straightening penile curves which can be painful – includes supplements for this specific reason
4. Comes with a comprehensive treatment plan
The Peyronie’s treatment plan is the extender that I recommend for those who want to straighten a penile curve. This system is specifically designed to treat Peyronie’s disease and straighten curves but it can also increase your penis length as well. The base model is made by the same company as the SizeGenetics.
Make sure to read my comprehensive Peyronie’s Device review on my website here. I go through all the features of this device and how it is so effective at straightening penile curvature. This made it into my top 3 because the base device is so good, and it is my #1 choice for those with Peyronie’s disease. t
Pros of Using the Peyronie’s Device:
- Straighten that curve
- Guaranteed Results, or your money back
- Comes with a ton of supplements for targeted recovery & penile straightening
- Bonus: will also potentially add inches to your penis
Visit the official Peyronie’s device website to learn more about the Peyronie’s treatment plan here. It is the best option available for those who want a natural solution to Peyronie’s disease.