Food fuels muscle growth. I don’t care how much you are working out and lifting weights if you are not eating the right foods then you will see close to ZERO results. The same goes for penis enlargement, if you are not eating the right foods at the right times, then how do you expect to get optimal results? Read more to find out what “eating for gains” means.
Think of penis enlargement like weightlifting. You need to treat your body like a well oiled machine if you want to get stronger. Who do you think is going to get a bigger penis faster? Look at these two examples below.
1. A dude who pumps for 20 minutes per day, 5 days per week, and eats an average American style diet.
2. A dude who pumps for 20 minutes per day, 5 days per week, eats a diet high in protein and lots of vegetables, he takes supplements to support his PE gains and his workout routine.
I think the answer is quite obvious.
Why Is Your Diet Important for PE Gains?
When you are aiming to add inches onto your penis, you can’t just look at your penis as a thing by itself – I’ll tell you what I mean in a minute. When you exercise you can never truly target one part of your body. Sure, you can work your biceps to make them bigger at the gym, but you won’t hit your maximum potential unless you are working your entire body. And for your entire body to properly recover you have to eat right to support muscle growth.
If you are exercising and are on a penis enlargement routine, then that puts your entire body into recovery mode and it is shuttling the proper nutrients to all the areas where they are needed.
If you are not exercising alongside a penis enlargement routine then your body won’t be working near as hard to recover and add inches to your penis. Penis enlargement is a FULL BODY activity, I can’t stress this enough!
When your entire body is in recovery mode this is when diet becomes very important. I would recommend you eat at least 1g of protein per 1 lb of body weight in order to help you pack on lean muscle (this applies to PE as well). I would also recommend taking a supplement like VigRX Plus alongside a diet full of fresh fruits and vegetables. Not only will you see way faster gains, but you will also start feeling way better as well.
What Kind of Foods Promote Optimal Penis Enlargement?
- Lean Protein (Chicken Breasts, Steak)
- Fresh Vegetables (Dark Leafy Greens Like Kale)
- Supplements (VigRX Plus, Fish Oil)
- Antioxidants (Green Tea, Dark Chocolate)
This may be a lifestyle change for some of you, but believe me the results are absolutely worth it. If you are already exercising and eating healthy then you are well on your way and are already way farther ahead of those who are not!
So that’s it boys. Eat high quality protein and fresh vegetables, supplement appropriately, and your penis size gains will be next level!